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[POST] Cancel a Remote Payment by Payment Reference


Once we have the Payment confirmed, if we want to Cancel the Payment (like a rollback) we can do it through the Cancelay of a Payment by reference. That process will cancel the full amount and it is only possible to do it until 2h from the Payment.


ℹ️ Before launching a payment, you need to have a Location created, as each payment will be related to a Location (location_id).


In all your requests you need to add, as a Header, your Authorization Token-ID:

"Name": "Authorization"
"Value": "Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-ID"

Schema for Remote Payments

"remote_payment": {
"device_id": integer


Staging environment


Production/Live environment


Example of Request to Create a Cancel Remote Payment

As a "Header" we need to specify the "Authorization" (Bearer value), as a request parameter you have the payment_reference which in the example you can see corresponds to Payment with Reference 3NVHIQG33L and a Body JSON. See an example:

"remote_payment": {
"device_id": 125

Examples of returns

Success response (200)

"success": true,
"message": "Success"

Error responses

Unauthorized (401)

This error appears it is because the credential (Authorization) is incorrect or does not exist.

"success": false,
"message": "Unauthorized"

Record Not Found (404)

This error appears, it is because an incorrect payment_reference has been specified in the request or cannot be found.

"success": false,
"message": "Record not found"

Unprocessable entity response (422)

This error appears when the payment_reference indicated for the cancellation is not allowed to cancel.

"success": false,
"message": "Remote payment is not allowed to cancel"