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Information about Payment Status


Once the Payment is in progress, you will be able to retrieve the Payment Status by the Payment Reference and you will immediately get all the details of the payment, including the Status.

Here you can find, in detail, the Payment Statuses. If you want to obtain the status of a payment, you can do so from:

At the same time, if you want to obtain the status of a payment, you can do so from:

List of Payments Status

Below you have a short description of the Payment Status cases:

  • pending, when the card, bank or crypto payment is created,
  • sent, when crypto payment is 'confirming' by the blockchain network,
  • confirmed, when the card, bank or crypto payment is completed (paid),
  • failed, when the card, bank or crypto payment is failed,
  • pending_cancel, when a Payment is pending to Cancel, the Cancellation is in process and pending to validate it.
  • cancelled, when the card, bank or crypto payment is cancelled,
  • aborted, when the card, bank or crypto payment is aborted (not paid, payment not initialized),
  • underpaid, when the crypto payment is underpaid (the payer has sent less money than the amount indicated).
  • expired, a payment expires 48 hours after it has been initiated if it has not moved to a final status, which would be a status such as confirmed, failed or cancelled.
  • refunded, when a Payment is successfully refunded.
  • partially_refunded, when a Payment is partially refunded, not was fully the amount Refunded.
  • pending_refund, when a Payment is pending to Refund, the Refund is in process and pending to validate it.
  • failed_refund, when the process to Refund a Payment failed or the Refund was rejected. The payment is still confirmed but with another Status.

List of Refund Status

Below you have a short description of the Refund Status cases:

  • new, when the Refund is pending (Payment Status link: pending_refund),
  • confirmed, when the Refund is completed (Payment Status link: refunded),
  • failed, when the Refund is failed (Payment Status associalinkted: failed_refund),

Flow of Payment, Refund and Cancellation

The Payments experience for Crypo, Bank or Card can have some differences between, some particularities, but they all comply with the following payment flow:

  • When a Payment is initiated it has the status pending,
  • From a pending status we can go to a aborted (Payment Aborted), failed (Payment Failed) or confirmed (Payment Confirmed) status.
  • In the event that a payment is not carried out, then it will go from pending to expired (after 48h automatically).

Sylq Status

Refund flow of a confirmed payment

In Refunds, a confirmed payment can be Refunded, moving to a pending_refund status when it is in the Refund process and, finally, refunded when the amount is 100% Refunded. A confirmed payment can also change to partially_refunded status when the entire amount was not refunded. Finally, a confirmed Payment may failed_refund when the Refund is rejected. While the Refund flow is in process, the payment will have an intermediate pending_refund status.

Cancellation flow of a confirmed payment

In Cancellations, a confirmed payment can be Cancelled, moving to a pending_cancel status when it is in the Cancellation process and, finally, cancelled when the payments is Cancelled. While the Cancellation flow is in process, the payment will have an intermediate pending_cancel status.

Crypto Case

In Crypto Payments we have several exceptions, which are:

  • A pending payment will always go to sent status, as this is the intermediate step before Confirmation, as the Crypto Network takes time to confirm (confirmed) the payment.
  • A pending payment can go to underpaid status, as a payment has been made successfully but with a lower amount, meaning that there is an amount pending to be paid. In case of underpaid, we can re-execute the call to [GET] Retrieve Status, and the payment can be retriggered as the amount to be paid will be updated to the amount still to be paid.